£7,995 is a compelling and inviting domain name that encourages daily journaling and personal reflection. This domain is perfect for businesses and startups focused on mental health, personal development, and lifestyle improvement. The name conveys a clear message of daily commitment to journaling, making it an excellent choice for companies aiming to promote the benefits of regular writing and self-expression.

With its straightforward and memorable structure, is easy to say, spell, and type. It’s a powerful asset for any brand looking to inspire individuals to make journaling a part of their daily routine and foster a community of dedicated journalers.

Potential Uses:

  1. Online Journal Platform: A digital platform where users can create, store, and share their daily journals.
  2. Mental Health and Wellness: A resource site offering tips, guides, and tools for daily journaling to improve mental health.
  3. Personal Development Blog: A blog focused on the benefits of journaling for personal growth and self-improvement.
  4. Journal Products: An e-commerce store selling physical and digital journals, writing tools, and accessories.
  5. Educational Resource: A site providing journaling prompts, courses, and workshops for schools and individuals.

Comparable Domain Sales:

  1. – $900,000
  2. – $150,000
  3. – $150,000
  4. – $100,000
  5. – $1,200,000

Seize the opportunity to own, a domain that embodies the commitment to daily journaling and personal reflection. Whether for branding, business use, or investment, is a standout choice that promises significant impact and excellent returns.

Category: Tag:

Valuation Range: $12,000 – $35,000+

Data from millions of actual domain transactions.Data from millions of actual domain transactions

Raw Equity

Factor Value
Annual exact match searches 500
Top search percentage 1%
Top search bid $0.50
Exact match keyword value Low
Keyword variations Few
Keyword variations total volume 2,000
Question variations Few
Question variations total volume 500
Length 16 characters
Memorability Moderate
Fluency High
Number of syllables 5
Extension .com
History Clean
Sentiment Positive
Feeling evoked Productive
Easiness to spell Moderate
Easiness to pronounce Moderate
Easiness to pronounce by non-English speakers Moderate
Easiness to write Moderate
Easiness to write first few characters Moderate (Jour)
Domain name blacklist history None
Backlink profile Low
Organic search traffic Low
Competitor domains Few
Social signal Low
Domain popularity Low
Indexing status Indexed
Technical SEO health Good
Brand search volume Low
Domain authority Low
Page rank Low
Social media presence Low
Traffic data Low
Current use None
Trademark issues None
Mobile friendliness High
Security history Clean
Geographical relevance Global
Characters below underline None
ccTLD or gTLD No
Hyphens in domain name None
Non-English phrase or word No
Number in domain name No

Market Budget

Factor Value
Market brandability Moderate
Market saturation Low
Market penetration of businesses using similar domains Low
Buyer intent Low
Competitor analysis Few competitors
Seasonal trends Low
Economic conditions Stable
Emerging markets Moderate growth
Buyer persona analysis Moderate
Industry relevance Moderate
Versatility High
Potential buyers’ cash on hand Low
Potential buyers’ recent fundraising size Low
Potential buyers’ growth rate Moderate
Potential buyers’ budgets for domain names Low
Economic indicators Stable
Related market’s liquidity Low
Related market’s growth rate Moderate
Ability to extract revenue for commercial use Low
Similar domain value if for sale Moderate
Business built on that name Possible
Ease of selling the domain Low

Perceived Value

Factor Value
Cultural relevance Moderate
Technological advancements Low
Economic conditions Stable
Brand equity transfer Moderate
Celebrity/influencer association Low
Crisis resilience Moderate
Ultra premium status No
Market hype Low
Hold time willingness 1 year

Grand Total Valuation

Type Value Range
Lowball $12,000 – $15,000
Wholesale $15,000 – $20,000
Retail $20,000 – $25,000
Corporate $25,000 – $30,000
Strategic acquisition $30,000 – $35,000+ is a domain with moderate potential. The raw equity is relatively low due to lower search volumes and brandability, but it benefits from being a .com and having positive and productive connotations. The overall valuation for this domain ranges from $12,000 to $35,000+, depending on the type of buyer and market conditions.

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